Sunday, October 17, 2010

Winner at....Healthy Weight Loss

Years of bad eating habits and little exercise, coupled with having two children only a few years apart, left me overweight and depressed, but at the age of 30 I decided I was fed up with not feeling good about myself and committed once and for all to do something about it. I started walking and then running, cut out refined sugars and processed foods, adopted a can-do, much more positive attitude, and viola - lost 35 lbs in a six to eight month period. To everyone's amazement, myself included, I sustained those good habits and even lost another 15 lbs, albeit more gradually, over the next four or five years. Unfortunately, for the last two or three years my home and work life have gotten busier and busier, I've had 2 sports injuries (fractured tibia & ruptured achilles) and a several minor illnesses (two bouts of bronchitis, swine flu and a gallbladder problem) that sidelined me for weeks to months at a time, and I've also managed to get away from (or at least become slack about) those former healthy habits. As a result, I've easily gained back that last 15 I'd lost. Finally well, healed and seeing light at the end of the tunnel on all fronts, I've decided it's high time to recommit myself to those old habits and routines that served me so well. I've been a winner at Healthy Weight Loss and had a very healthy body before, so I know I can be a winner in those areas again. Fabulous and Fit at Forty sounds pretty terrific, does it not??!!?? Wish me luck!